See the definitions of hawaiian and local words, sayings and phrases. 230 words are defined; 65 sayings and words are explained; 115 foods and preparations are described, an essential when ordering at restaurants. Menus are now a breeze! You can now easily understand what you read and what you hear and overhear by scrolling through alphabetically-listed words, sayings and phrases.
You can now understand the many greetings, and use them yourself. Our pronunciation guide shows you how easy it is to pronounce our language. You can understand all the signs you see with the hawaiian words. You can understand the meaning of all words and phrase you see in print during your vacation. And you can understand all the hawaiian and local words and phrases and words spoken to you or you overhear. You wont be a "language stranger" in Hawaii anymore.
Separated into three categories of LOCAL, FOOD and DICTIONARY, youll easily find the word you want. Just tap the category button and scroll through the words, as the language of Hawaii comes to life, and you emerge yourself in the culture you came to visit and explore.